Eden Lutheran Preschool

Loving Christian Care When You're Not There - Lic# 330907905

August, 2020

What's Up

July 31
School Closed for In-Service

August 3
First Day of School

August 13
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

Upcoming Events

September 4
Back to School 5:30pm (If possible)

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due by August 5. The new tuition rates will start on Aug.1, 2020.

COVID related requirements:
- All parents and staff will cover their nose and mouth with a mask the entire time they are on the grounds.
- Each child will have their temperature taken upon arriving at school. Any child with a temp of 100.4 or over will not be permitted to stay.
- Parents and children who are feeling ill are not permitted onto the facility.
- Adults must maintain a 6 ft space between themselves and others when possible.