Eden Lutheran Preschool

Loving Christian Care When You're Not There - Lic# 330907905

January, 2013

What’s Up
January, 2013

December 31, 2012
Closed for New Year’s Eve

January 1, 2013
Closed for New Year’s Day

January 10, 6:00pm
School Board Meeting

January 14, 9:00am
Free vision screening (Day 1)
Donated by the Elk’s Club.
Please complete the required paperwork and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Parents or gaurdians must also sign in on a special Elks sheet the morning of the test.

January 15, 9:00am
Free vision screening (Day 2)
Donated by the Elk’s Club.
The same procedures apply as for Day 1.

January 16, 10:00am
Riverside Fire Department visit
Fire truck and fire safety demonstration.

January 21
School Closed
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Have a great weekend!

-Please label all jackets and sweaters.
Do not send hoodies with draw strings.
-Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
-Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th.

December, 2012

What’s Up
December, 2012

December 8 Asanti Children’s Choir - 4:00pm
Visiting Eden Lutheran Church from Africa. Free admission. Free-will offering. Potluck to follow. Bring your favorite dish to share.

December 13 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

December 19 Classroom Christmas Parties.
Please sign up in your child's class.

December 16 Thanksgiving Feast at 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let us know how many people will be attending.

December 21 Annual Christmas Program 11:00am
All the children will sing at this annual event.

December 24 School Closed - Christmas Eve

December 25 School Closed - Christmas Day
Have a Blessed Holiday!

November, 2012

What’s Up
November, 2012

November 8 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

November 10 Church Christmas Bazaar
This is an annual event held on Saturday morning in the Fellowship Hall at Eden Lutheran Church. Drop by for great Christmas gift deals. There are homemade jellies, quilts and other unique items.

November 16 Thanksgiving Feast at 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let us know how many people will be attending.

November 22 School closed for Thanksgiving
Have a Blessed Holiday!

November 23 School closed Thanksgiving weekend

Parents: The weather is changing and it's getting colder. Please send your child in tennis shoes and with a jacket or sweatshirt so they can play outside. Check your child's cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes.

October, 2012

What’s Up
October, 2012

October 10 Picture Day starting at 8:00am

October 11 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

October 17 Officer McGruff is coming to visit at 10:00am

October 31 Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties at 10:00am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by October 26.

TBA Discount Fundraiser

Classroom Harvest Parties - Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item.
Trunk & Treat - Volunteers are needed to set up and run games out of their trunk. Please see Dar if you can help.
- Children can come in their costumes
- Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume home in it
- Please do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous
- Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict your child’s vision or movement

September, 2012

What’s Up
September, 2012

September 3 Closed for Labor Day

September 4 First day of School

September 10 Discount Card Fundraiser starts

September 13 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm
There is a parent representative position open on the board. Please see Dar for more information if you are interested.

September 21 Back to School Night 6:00pm
Dinner and raffle fundraiser

September 24 Discount Card Fundraiser ends today. Please turn the order form into the office.
Thank You for your help!

August, 2012

What’s Up
August, 2012

August 7 Beach Day (water play)
Wear bathing suit under clothes
Bring labeled towel and water shoes
Apply sunscreen before bringing your child

August 9 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

August 30 School Closed for In-Service and CPR training

August 31 School Closed for In-Service and CPR training

It's time to re-register for preschool. An annual fee of $60 for the curriculum fee and $20 for disaster preparedness are required. These fees are due by September 4, 2012. Newly enrolled children may be exempt.

Eden Lutheran School Event Calendars for 2012-2013 are available in the office if you have not received one yet.

Coming in September:
The school is closed on Sept. 3, 2012 for Labor Day.
The first day of school for 2012- 2013 is September 4, 2013.

July, 2012

What’s Up
July, 2012

July 4 School Closed - Independence Day
Church Celebration - 5:00pm • Free hamburgers and hot dogs (bring a salad to share) • Bingo (please donate $10 in gift cards for prizes) • Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm • Free parking passes are required and are available in the church office (951.684.3336)

July 11 Jumper/Playhouse and snow cones!

July 12 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

July 17 Water play day
Children will need a swim suit, water shoes (with backs) and towel. They can wear their swimsuit to school. Bring extra clothes in a clearly labeled bag. Please put sunscreen on your child before bringing them to school.

June, 2012

What’s Up
June, 2012

June 2 Church Rummage Sale 7:00am-12:00pm

June 14 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

June 15 Pre-Kindergarten Graduation 11:00am

June 20 Jump and Play House

Summertime Reminders:
Please check your child’s extra clothes for clothes that are weather appropriate.

Please bring a clearly labeled can of clear spray-on sun screen. We will keep this bottle throughout the summer.

May, 2012

What’s Up
May, 2012

May 1 Trike-a-Thon sponsor sheets are available. Please collect sponsor pledges for your child.

May 7 - 12 Teacher Appreciation Week

May 9 Return pictures or payment for pictures to the school office.

May 10 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

May 11 Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Please sign up to bring something.

May 25 Trike-a-Thon at 10:00am

May 28 School Closed - Memorial Day
Have a safe and fun holiday weekend!

May 31 All Trike-a-Thon pledges are due. Thank you for your support.

Note: We are no longer collecting Capri Sun pouches. The company received more pouches than it expected and discontinued the program we were on. We are considering one of their other collecting projects and will keep you posted. Thank you for your support.

April, 2012

What’s Up
April, 2012

April 5 Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home.
Please sign up in the office to bring something for the egg hunt.

April 5 - 21 See’s Easter Candy Fundraiser

April 6 School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

April 8 Easter Sunday! He is risen!

April 11 Spring pictures starting at 8:00am
The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

April 12 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

April 23 Mother’s Day Cards for sale in the school office

Reminder: There is a late fee of $2.00 per minute for children picked up after their designated time (12:30pm or 6:00pm).

March, 2012

What’s Up
March, 2012

March 5 - 9 Lutheran Schools’ Week
Scholastic Book Fair in the School Office

March 5 - 21 See’s Easter Candy Fundraiser

March 8 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm

March 9 Grandparents’ Day 10:00 am - 11:30 am

March 16 Green Eggs and Ham lunch

March 20 Riverside Police Officer visits today

February, 2012

What’s Up
February, 2012

February 9 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm

February 14 Class Valentine Parties
Please sign up to bring something in your child’s room.

February 20 School is closed in observance of President’s Day

- Tuition is due by the 1st of each month. A late fee of $20 will be
applied to your account if tuition is not paid by the 16th of each
- Please bring a clean and clearly labeled crib sheet and a blanket on the first day of attendance each week. Take these items home at the end of your child’s week to be laundered.
- Please keep extra clothes in your child’s cubby. Make sure they are weather appropriate.