Eden Lutheran Preschool

Loving Christian Care When You're Not There - Lic# 330907905

April, 2014

What’s Up

April 2
Riverside Police Officer Neely Santos will come by in her police car to talk to the children about stranger danger and other important things.

April 9 (starting at 8:00am)
Spring pictures
The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

April 10
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

April 16
Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home.
Please sign up in the office to bring something for the egg hunt.

April 18
School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

There is a late fee of $2.00 per minute for children picked up after their designated time -12:30pm or 6:00pm